Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

Better video for the slideshow.

This is the better version of the video. I hope you like it we changed the length of the pictures.

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

Facebook Settings

Our homework for today was that we had to write a blog entry about our facebook settings that we changed on facebook and why. So here is what I wrote.

My Facebook settings
Security settings: I changed my security settings because I want to make sure that nobody can access my Facebook account, when a person knows my password. I added a security question. I didn’t change the browsing security because I didn’t know what it is. I didn’t change anything by the other questions because I feel comfortable the way it is.
Notification settings: I only changed a few things (on facebook) because I get a lot of email and that is annoying.
Apps: I have done it already last week.
Mobile: I don’t use facebook on by phone.
Payments: I don’t pay for anything.
Facebook ads: I didn’t change anything on ads because I want to recommend businesses to my friends.
Private settings: I changed my apps because I don’t use them anymore. I deleted some of the apps. I also changed my settings when my friend uses apps because I don’t want the businesses to know something about me. I didn’t change the rest because I was already happy with my settings.
I learned that you can change a lot of your settings and that it can be open for random people. I is dangerous because somebody can hack you or write something inappropriate on you wall.

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

There is a problem.

The Usp stick Camilla gave us didn't work. The pictures we needed for the slideshow didn't upload. We are going to post it tomorrow. AND the music didn't work. We are agains sorry Mr Kerlin and Mrs Bennett.