Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

8 grade slideshow DRAFT

This is the rough draft from my 8 grade slideshow clip. It has a very bad quality. WHY? I don't know. I have a really good camera and it makes HD (High Definition) movies but his video has just a bad quality. Sorry guys. I am really nervous and excited about how the 8 Grade Blog is going to be when it is finished.

Montag, 28. November 2011

Ideas about the 8th Grade Slideshow of the Girls' Tennis Team

Leonidas and I are making a slideshow about the girl's tennis team. We need to find some pictures and information about their field trips and their games. My sister is playing on the tennis team, maybe I can get some pictures and information or even footage from her tennis matches and trips. If she doesn't have any footage I am going to ask the other girls on the tennis team or the coach. My idea for the 8 grade slideshow is that we will start with a picture of the coach and under the picture we are going to include a description of him. Then we are going to present the rest of the tennis team, Leonidas and I are planning to include information about the players, too. First we will include the team captain and then the rest of the players in alphabetical order. After we introduce the players we are going to show some videos about their matches. Finally, we will interview the players on the team and we will ask them about their trips and games of 2011. The End

In my homework we have to answer the following questions:
1. Where do you get video or images to use? What students or teachers should you contact? Will your segment require interviews, if so, who will you interview?
2. What is the general plan for your segment? How will you make it relate to the television watching theme?
3. What is your plan for next class? What will you be working on?

1. I am getting a video or an image from my sister or the tennis coatch, depending on which footage we need. We also need to get some interviews for the slideshow. I am going to ask a few of the 8 grade girls that are in the tennis team a few questions questions. (Behind the person that is interviewed are the tennis courts) It is going to be just like in a real interview.
2. I was thinking about, that three students sit in front of Tv. One wants to watch something else, so he tries to switch to another channel.  His friends won't let him. They are fighting over the controller and switching channels while they are fighting. (Little Funny) Then the batteries fall out of the controller and they got stuck with the news channel. The boys are tired of fighting, so they watch the news.(Ais girl's tennis team)
3. For next class we are trying to find footage and we are going to make some interviews. It's going to be a little bit  hard because there are not many 8th grade girls in the tennis team.

Yesterday I helped Luis and Megan getting footage from cross country. It took long because I had a lot of footage and pictures from cross country. After we (Leonidas and I) helped them, we took some videos about the school for our tennis commercial for the 8th grade slideshow. The next time we are going to work on our slideshow on Imovie. It's going to be hard because I need to get a lot of good videos  and pictures.

Today Leoidas and I made a lot on imovie for the slideshow. We cut the interviews and the pictures. Next class we are trying to find music for the pictures. It's gonna be great.

Sonntag, 20. November 2011

My Weekend

My weekend was realy cool, I slept over Ethan's house and we played some COD. Blops. If you want you can check it out. It;'s under ... Not on youtube JET.

Montag, 14. November 2011

Creative commons

What is creative commons? Creative Commons is a webside where you can upsoad your videos, misic... to the entire world. You can also make your own rules of how you want people to handle your work.

What does attribute mean? Attribute means that if you want to share a picture or something else from another person you have to give the maker credit.

What are 6 different licenses offered by Creative Commons?
The Licenses


This license lets other people distribute, remix, and build upon your work. Even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.


This license lets others remix and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you. This license is compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses.


This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.


This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial.


This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.


This license only allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

The best known Creative Commons users are case studies, interviews milestone tag.

Sonntag, 13. November 2011

My idea for a 8th Grade slideshow

For the 8th Grade slideshow we should make a stop motion clip. Only a few people in the AIS know how to do stop motion. I think it is a really good idea because you may need to make a stop motion project in future assignments. I know how to make stop motion clips, I think it is really cool when non moving stuff comes to life in a stop motion clip. BUT it costs a lot of time to make a good and well cut clip.

Freitag, 4. November 2011

My new project

Ok Hi guys how are you so we have a new project in Media Literacy and I have to find
An ad in which the fear of death (directly or indirectly) serves as motivation.
If you want to check the video out go to my video page and watch it.

Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

My Text language.

Friend: Hey whu?
Alex: ?
Friend: Whats up!!!!!!
Alex: Not much.
Friend: Hey dyht today?
Alex: What ? Do you make things up.
Friend: Yes I am bored.
Alex: OKEY
Friend: Ok see you at 7
Alex: W. do you mean?
Friend: I am comming over your house now.
Alex: What no I am in FL.

My Spring Break

This break I was in the US in FL. For those who don't know what FL means, it means FLORIDA. Learn from that what I just told you. The flight to Frankfurt (where we had  a connection flight) was really bad. I  almost threw up on the plane from the bad food. When we arrived in Florida I was so tired that I couldn't talk correctly anymore. The next day I woke up at 10 am and I was suprised because first I was in a car and then all of a sudden I was at home. WHaaaaaaaaaaaT? Anyway I, or we had to build on our house in Florida and I had no break. On Friday a friend slept over at my house.
YES I DO HAVE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And on that day it started raining. I think I rained for 8 to 12 hours. The next day everything was flooded (streets, canals, lakes, the golf course...).
I have only been to America for 10 days but I really enjoyed it. The best thing was that I flew with the new Airbus A 380. LOL (I love airplanes)

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011


This is our project for computer class. I like dogs so I took a dog and a flower and edit it on Adobe Photo shop.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

20 Things

How Modern Browsers Help Protect You From Malware and Phishing
There are 3 risks:

How often you come into contact with an attacker: If you visit a website that has a virus it automaticly warnes you.

How vulnerable your browser is if it’s attacked: Always update the latest version to keep your computer save.

How much damage is done if an attacker finds vulnerabilities in your browser: If you have an old google chrome you have a big change of getting hacked or a virus. Sandbox is a programm that keeps virus or hackers away from you. Like sand in a buget.

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Bully clip.

We had one big strenght and that was that we (Mattej, Leonidas and I) were very motivated and love to act. But sadly I didn't liked because it was not very good. If I could do it another time I would use a different camera and for edeting I would use I MOVIE- The best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(better than My movie on a PC)
The best video was from ben because he had a HDD camera and he trimmed it on an apple computer.
Jeck out my video just go on videos.

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

My Field Trip.

Ok so the 8 grade had a field trip to Schladming and when we got there I saw this huge rollercoaster next to a forest like park.
When I got out of the bus, first we had to practice on a climbing course that was only one meter high. LOL
I passed and was the first one to get on the black climbing course.
It was very high and only Leonidas and I made it 2 times in a row!!!!!
The other guys only climbed the course one time, but still awesome job guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have time on weekends you should definitely check out Schladming.


Ok so on web 2.0 I found this epic webside called EpixHD.
You can watch any movies on any size on your comp.
You can also what TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this webside is realy cool because they are soo many websides where you can watch movies, but not in HD !!!!!!!!!!!!! You also get a free trial !!!lolololololololololololololololololol
You should realy sign up it is a very save webside.
The only bad thing is that it costs and you have to download a program.
If you want...NO you MUST check you this web side!!!

Do it Do it Do it
Press the link already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you waiting for????????!!!!!!!!!!

Web 2.0

HI Guys today i am making a review about LiveMinutes.
LiveMinutes is very cool you can but in information just like blogger.
You can make your documents easily and i also safes them.
You can share it with your friends and your cheff.
The bad thing about LiveMinutes is that your account is not save from hackers.
If you but an information in LiveMinutes it's staying in there for ever, even if you delete it it is still there.
If you want you can check it out!!!!


Donnerstag, 29. September 2011



Yesterday Mattej, Lionidas and I where doing a bulli clip.
It was soo fun doing the clips. If you wannna watch one of the videos look down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I don't know how to do this because i am not working on a Mac!    :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Ok then I am gonna finsh my video and see you next time on my BLOOOOOGGGGEEEERRRRR!!!!;p

Freitag, 23. September 2011

The last day of school week. AWW

Today I took a magnum tempation (my favourite ice) and a fish sticks.
But the fish sticks where not that good. They were old and cold.
Today I did not like the food but I it is okey after everything I had tryed.


Everything I try in this school is soo good.
I don't know that else i should say ownly that it is perfect!!!!.
Today I had steak and steak is my favourite food.


Today i had the best noodles that I ever had.
The first bite was increatable all kinds of explosions went on in my mouth.
I think that the AIS has the best lunch of all schools i have ever been to!!!
Commutative property of

Montag, 12. September 2011

Soldiers of FOOD

Hi this is the 12 September 2011 and i was just testing the food in the AIS American International School in Vienna.

Today we got chicken with rice. It was very good. I can remember in Afganistan when i first tryed it. The chicken got hit by a RPG. I was very hungry so after the fight it eat it. It was taisty!!!!!!!!!!!                 The skin was a little bit burned, but it was still very good. The chicken today was exactly like the chicken in Afganistan.. I enjoued it.