Donnerstag, 29. September 2011



Yesterday Mattej, Lionidas and I where doing a bulli clip.
It was soo fun doing the clips. If you wannna watch one of the videos look down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I don't know how to do this because i am not working on a Mac!    :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Ok then I am gonna finsh my video and see you next time on my BLOOOOOGGGGEEEERRRRR!!!!;p

Freitag, 23. September 2011

The last day of school week. AWW

Today I took a magnum tempation (my favourite ice) and a fish sticks.
But the fish sticks where not that good. They were old and cold.
Today I did not like the food but I it is okey after everything I had tryed.


Everything I try in this school is soo good.
I don't know that else i should say ownly that it is perfect!!!!.
Today I had steak and steak is my favourite food.


Today i had the best noodles that I ever had.
The first bite was increatable all kinds of explosions went on in my mouth.
I think that the AIS has the best lunch of all schools i have ever been to!!!
Commutative property of

Montag, 12. September 2011

Soldiers of FOOD

Hi this is the 12 September 2011 and i was just testing the food in the AIS American International School in Vienna.

Today we got chicken with rice. It was very good. I can remember in Afganistan when i first tryed it. The chicken got hit by a RPG. I was very hungry so after the fight it eat it. It was taisty!!!!!!!!!!!                 The skin was a little bit burned, but it was still very good. The chicken today was exactly like the chicken in Afganistan.. I enjoued it.